… because we understand them.

    … because we’re part of it.

    … to make sure that everything out front runs like clockwork and you can feel safe and secure.

    … what we do best and our areas of expertise.

Our Team

Our Boutique Law Firm

Our Credo
Schickhardt Rechtsanwälte is a highly specialized boutique law firm working in the areas of professional sport and entertainment law. It unites 35 years of experience in this highly complex business segment, which is often fraught with pitfalls. Targeted expertise, decades of experience, and an excellent reputation in Germany and abroad guarantee that our clients are on the safe side. We have long-term relationships with our clients, which often means that we provide reliable and high-quality legal services and support to them throughout their entire careers. Over the decades the Schickhardt Rechtsanwälte lawyers have been engaged by German and international soccer clubs, top professional athletes in the most popular sports disciplines, famous trainers and managers, musicians, artists, record labels, filmmakers, and also national and international corporations. The outstanding reputation of the Schickhardt Rechtsanwälte lawyers gives our clients the assurance that they are receiving reliable, trustworthy, and competent advice, and they know that we are committed to their success.

Our attorneys

Who we are ...

Prof. Christoph Schickhardt

(Founding Partner)
Christoph Schickhardt is the founding partner of Schickhardt Rechtsanwälte. Since 1983 he has been working in the highly specialized field of professional sports law and is recognized as one of Germany’s leading sports lawyers.
  • Publications
    Prof. Christoph Schickhardt
    For decades Christoph Schickhardt has been respected by the legal community for his reputation as a leading expert, a strong negotiator, and a dependable partner. Christoph Schickhardt has unique experience in German and international sports law, he has a very high profile and, over the years, has developed an extensive network of contacts and connections with the most important decision makers in all key areas of professional sports. His success rate in numerous spectacular lawsuits has attracted widespread media attention, and clients who are in the public sphere know that they can depend on him in critical situations. Christoph Schickhardt’s clients include Bundesliga and second division soccer clubs, as well as international sports business entrepreneurs, players, trainers, managers, and other leading contributors. In 2008 he and his legal team were named “Sports Law Firm of the Year” in Germany by JUVE. Christoph Schickhardt personally caters to his clients’ needs and interests around the clock, and he embodies the Schickhardt Rechtsanwälte law firm. He has also been a lecturer at Reinhold Würth University in Künzelsau since 2005 and was awarded an honorary professorship by the university in 2013.
    Birth year:
    Legal specialization:
    Professional sports law
    Licensed to practice since:
    Tübingen University
    Foreign languages:
    English and French


    Office manager: Iris Günther
    Phone +49 (0) 7141 6487-121
    Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-129
    E-mail schickhardt@schickhardt-law.com

Dr. Joachim Rain

Joachim Rain is one of the leading legal experts in the German and international soccer business, and he is also a proven, internationally connected specialist for complex national and international transfers.
  • Publications
    Dr. Joachim Rain

    June 21

    Football Legal # 15
    254      FIFA´s jurisdiction in employment-related matters in the German Bundesliga
    330      Player vs Agent


    December 2020

    Football Legal # 14
    95        Multi-Club Ownership Rules in German Football
    251      Player´s Right to Request Disclosure of Revenues from an Agent


    June 2020

    Football Legal # 13
    241      New Cases Involving the VAR


    December 2019

    Football Legal # 12
    201      Are Clubs Responsible for the Costs of Police Operations/Presence at Football Matches?
    203      The Case of Bakery Jatta

    June 2019

    Football Legal # 11
    194      Is it mandatory for a Coach who is sent off by the Referee to be automatically suspended for the next match?
    196      Can Crowd Misbehavior Justify a Deduction of Points?

    December 2018

    Football Legal # 10
    246      New guidelines for the DFB Prosecutor in procedures against clubs before the DFB´s sports tribunals


    June 2018

    Football Legal # 9
    Chosen National Exemples
    120      Germany: Breach of a player´s contract: the German way
    216      The yellow-red card of Nils Petersen
    218      The penalty within half-time


    December 2017

    Football Legal # 8
    199      Prerequisites for a nationwide Stadium Ban
    201      First experiences with the Video Assistant Referee in Germany


    June 2017

    Football Legal # 7
    136      The Legal Framework for Minors in German Football
    275      Liability of fans for fines imposed on clubs by football federations following fans´ mishehaviour


    November 2016

    Football Legal # 6
    181      The German Federal Court´s decision in the Pechstein case: the end of the saga?


    June 2016

    Football Legal # 5
    25        Should training compensation also be awarded for loaning clubs, although they were not the last club before the international transfer?
    156      The Appeal Decision in the case “Rogon vs. German Football Federation” and its consequences


    December 2015

    Football Legal # 4
    215      The Heinz Müller Case
    216      No reimbursement fo fines imposed to clubs by the DFB for their fans´ misbehaviour


    June 2015

    Football Legal # 3
    21        Employment contracts in German Football, with a specific focus on tools regulas
    64        National Implementations of FIFA´s new Regulations on working with Intermediaries
    143      The Wilhelmshaven´s case
    144      The Pechstein´s case
    145      What are the sanctions in cases of “emergency brakes”? The Jerome Boateng´s case
    146      Arbitration clause upheld in a dispute between a club and a licensed agent


    December 2014

    Football Legal # 2
    64        Comparative approach to the National Financial Controls of Clubs
    129      Nullity of an arbitration clause providing for CAS jurisdiction
    130      Players´ release to national teams


    June 2014

    Football Legal # 1
    79        The so-called „50+1 Rule“ in German Football
    81        Request of a player to be admitted to first team´s training denied by Labour Court
    81        New Approaches in sanctioning clubs for fireworks incidents during matches
    81        Decision of the Sport Court of the German Football Association (DFB) regarding the “phantom goal” in Hoffenheim


    The Soccer Legal publication – the international mouthpiece for professional soccer law – regularly requests articles and appraisals from Joachim Rain. Joachim Rain represents the most famous German and international clubs, players, trainers, and consultants in the soccer business. He specializes in the drafting of national and international transfer contracts, player contracts, and consultant contracts. He is also the most recommended and most frequently engaged lawyer in case proceedings at the International Sports Tribunal in Lausanne (CAS). His chosen fields include the legal representation of clubs, players, and trainers in proceedings involving the judicial bodies of FIFA and the UEFA. Famous athletes in various sports disciplines benefit from Joachim Rain’s expertise in doping and disciplinary offenses. As a member of the Association Internationale des Avocats du Soccer (AIAF) he has a global network of contacts and connections in professional soccer and sports. Joachim Rain unites exclusive competence with outstanding commitment and dedication to his clients’ causes and, as a result, they feel secure in the knowledge that they are in excellent hands and getting comprehensive legal support and advice of the very highest standard.
    Birth year:
    Legal specialization:
    Professional sports law, marketing law, medical law
    Licensed to practice since:
    Heidelberg University
    Foreign languages:
    English and French



    June 21
    Football Legal # 15
    254      FIFA´s jurisdiction in employment-related matters in the German Bundesliga
    330      Player vs Agent

    December 2020
    Football Legal # 14
    95        Multi-Club Ownership Rules in German Football
    251      Player´s Right to Request Disclosure of Revenues from an Agent

    June 2020
    Football Legal # 13
    241      New Cases Involving the VAR

    Further Publications


    Office manager: Nadja Baumgärtner
    Phone +49 (0) 7141 6487-131
    Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-139
    E-mail rain@schickhardt-law.com

Prof. Dr. Ralf Kitzberger LL.M.

Specialized Attorney for Copyright and Media Law
Specialized Attorney for Industrial Property Protection
Specialized Attorney for Information Technology Law
Ralf Kitzberger has extensive expertise in the key fields of copyright law, media law, and IT law. This makes him an important partner to the complex music, entertainment, and event business.
  • Publications
    Prof. Dr. Ralf Kitzberger LL.M.


    Keine Prüfpflichten bei wahrheitswidriger Leugnung eines Behandlunsverhältnisses

    Herausgeber: GRUR PRAX Heft Nr. 21/2022



    Musikwirtschaft im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis.

    Endreß | Wandjo, Nomos Verlag, 2021



    The Amendet Audiovisual Media Services Directive. Nationalism vs Globalism: Regional and Transnational Legal Issues Reshaping the Entertainment Industry.

    Herausgeber: International Accociation of Entertainment Lawyers.



    Mandatory Vaccination for concert visitors? Natiionalism vs Globalism: Regional and Transnational Legal Issues Reshaping the Entertainment Industry

    Herausgeber: International Accociation of Entertainment Lawyers.



    GRUR-Prax 2020, 449 Verpflichtung zur Inländerbehandlung ausübender Künstler



    Is There Really a Value Gap? Finding the Value in the Gap

    Herausgeber: International Accociation of Entertainment Lawyers.



    International Merchandising and Branding, Exploiting One´s Celebrity Status through Merchandising and Endorsement Agreements; The Monetization of the Global Music Business - from Creators to Major Industry

    Herausgeber: International Accociation of Entertainment Lawyers.



    Streaming Legal Issues: Copyright in Germany in „The Streaming Revolution in the Entertainment Industry.“

    Herausgeber International Accociation of Entertainment Lawyers.



    Performer`s Agreements with Producer and Venue in Licensing of Music – from BC to AD Herausgeber International Association of Entertainment Lawyers.


    Februar 2014:

    Gema-Hinweise auf Youtube wettbewerbswidrig verwirrende Sperrtafeln im Legal Tribune Online am 27.02.2014.


    August 2013:

    Persönlichkeitsrecht in Kunst, Kultur und Werbung, Wilhelm Fink GmbH & Co. Verlags-KG.


    April 2013:

    EuGH: Wettbewerbsverzerrende Praktiken von Verwertungsgesellschaften. In Legal Tribune ONLINE 15.04.2013.


    Februar 2013:

    Merchandising- und Testimonial Verträge in Kultur und Recht Februar 2013, L.7.12.


    Januar 2013:

    Kein höheres Interesse der Kunst bei Verfolgung wirtschaftlicher Interessen in GRUR PRAX 2013, Seite 19.


    August 2012:

    BGH stärkt Urheberrechte: Internet-Provider müssen Filesharer-IP-Adressen herausgeben. In: Legal Tribune ONLINE 11.08.2012.


    Juli 2012:

    Souverän mit Kritik umgehen, im Handelsblatt 26.07.2012 SPEZIAL: LEGAL SUCCESS Seite 48.



    „Verwertungsgesellschaften in Deutschland, in Selbstmanagement im Musikbetrieb“, Herausgeber Petra Schneidewind, Martin Tröndle, 2. komplett überarbeitete Auflage.



    „Urheber- und Leistungsschutzrechte in Deutschland in Selbstmanagement im Musikbetrieb“, „Handbuch für Selbstschaffende“, Heraus- geber Petra Schneidewind, Martin Tröndle, 2. komplett überarbeitete Auflage.



    GEMA gegen YouTube: LG Hamburg regelt den Umgang mit Musikvideos auf Internetplattformen. In: Legal Tribune ONLINE, 20.04.2012.



    Das Recht am eigenen Bild in einer Dokumentation, in FilmFacts Südwest 1/2012.



    Die werbliche Nutzung von Bildnissen und Namen von Profisportlern – Zugleich Anmerkung zu OLG Hamburg ZUM-RD 2010, 469 in Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht 3/2011.



    Photo and film reporting from Concerts, in Live Entertainment Handbook, Herausgeber International Association of Entertainment Lawyers.



    „Musikrecht“ erschienen im Musikmarktverlag 2010.



    „Rechtlicher Schutz für Sportler bei der Nutzung ihres Namens und Bildnisses in der Werbung“, (SpuRt 2009, Seite 228 ff.).



    „Eventkommunikation“, Expertenerfahrung, Theorie, Recht und Praxis, Herausgeber Ralf Dannhäuser.



    „Veranstaltungsrecht“, Musikmarkt Verlag.



    „Arbeitsrecht in der Filmproduktion“ in „Von der Idee zum Film“, 4. Auflage, UVK Konstanz 2004, Herausgeber Bastian Clevé.



    „Lexikon der Entertainment-Industrie“, Mitautor, PPV Medien 2004, Herausgeber Robert Lyng, Michael von Rothkirch, Stefan Klein.



    „Verträge bei der Projektentwicklung“, Film Facts Südwest.



    „Verwertungsgesellschaften in Deutschland, in Selbstmanagement im Musikbetrieb“, Herausgeber Petra Schneidewind, Martin Tröndle.



    „Urheber- und Leistungsschutzrechte in Deutschland in Selbstmanagement im Musikbetrieb“, „Handbuch für Selbstschaffende“, Herausgeber Petra Schneidewind, Martin Tröndle.



    „Marketing und Marke in der Musikbranche“, Herausgeber empire.


    November 1997:

    Buchbesprechung in Arbeit und Recht: „Betriebs-verfassung und Umstrukturierung (AuR 1997, S. 443).


    November 1996:

    Dissertation: „Das Arbeitskampfrecht in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Secondary Industrial Activities und drittbezogenen Arbeitskampfmaßnahmen“ in Konstanzer Schriften zur Rechtswissenschaft.


    August 1993:

    Veröffentlichung in Arbeit und Recht (AuR 1993, S. 236 ff.) Titel: Grundprinzipien des österreichischen Arbeitskampfrechts.


    Mai 1993:

    Veröffentlichung in der Zeitschrift für das Notariat in Baden-Württemberg (BWNotz 1993, S. 55 ff.) Titel: “Gestaltungsprobleme des Ehegattenerbrechts; eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung zum deutschen und neuem schweizerischen Recht“.


    März 1993:

    Veröffentlichung in Juristische Schulung 1993 Heft 3 Titel: „Introduction to English Law an der London School of Economics an Political Science“.


    Stand 30.07.2021

    He also has an extensive network of contacts with leading members of the show business and the entertainment sector. Famous artists, musicians, bands, labels, producers, and filmmakers trust in his valuable expertise in contract drafting and legal representation on an extensive range of issues. Ralf Kitzberger draws on his commitment, targeted expertise, and many years of experience to protect his clients’ interests against the increasingly frequent breaches of copyright and encroachments on their personal rights. People in the public eye trust Ralf Kitzberger to uphold their personal rights and privacy, especially in dealings with the press and other media, as well as the social media. He has earned the recognition and respect of the national music and entertainment industry as a tough and reliable negotiation partner. Ralf Kitzberger uses his competence and sound judgment to support his clients in the music and entertainment business, and he is often their dependable and down-to-earth partner throughout their entire careers. As a member of the International Association of Entertainment Lawyers he has access to a global network. Numerous international celebrities and successful artists are now among his clients. Professionally designed contracts are a must in the complex music and entertainment business because they protect the artists’ long-term interests despite the fast-paced environment they work in. Many of the leading and most coveted artists and celebrities have been using Ralf Kitzberger’s services for many years and they feel entirely safe in his hands. Ralf Kitzberger is a lecturer at the Merz Academy, a design, art, and media college in Stuttgart.
    Birth year:
    Legal specialization:
    Copyright and media law, general industrial property law, IT law, entertainment law, privacy law
    Licensed to practice since:
    Konstanz University, Lausanne University and Temple University (Philadelphia)
    Foreign languages:
    English and French



    The Amendet Audiovisual Media Services Directive. Nationalism vs Globalism: Regional and Transnational Legal Issues Reshaping the Entertainment Industry.
    Herausgeber: International Accociation of Entertainment Lawyers.

    Mandatory Vaccination for concert visitors? Natiionalism vs Globalism: Regional and Transnational Legal Issues Reshaping the Entertainment Industry
    Herausgeber: International Accociation of Entertainment Lawyers.

    GRUR-Prax 2020, 449 Verpflichtung zur Inländerbehandlung ausübender Künstler

    Further Publications


    Phone +49 (0) 7141 6487-131
    Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-139
    E-mail kitzberger@schickhardt-law.com

Leonie K. Frank

Specialized Attorney for Labor Law
Leonie Frank specializes in labor law and has an excellent reputation in Germany as a proven expert in critical, high-risk labor law cases. International and global corporations and mid-sized, family-run companies with international operations trust in her advice on collective and individual labor law issues.
  • Publications
    Leonie K. Frank
    Her professional competence in representing the executive boards, directors, and managers of national and international corporations has enabled her to build a select base of high-profile clients. Leonie Frank also provides committed and passionate support to Bundesliga and second division soccer clubs in complex labor law disputes, as well as designing contracts that protect clubs, players, and trainers from risks and hazards. She gained additional international experience during her employment with Kelley Drye & Warren LLP in New York. Leonie Frank is also a member of the Volksbank Ludwigsburg Supervisory Board.
    Birth year:
    Legal specialization:
    Labor law
    Licensed to practice since:
    Tübingen University and Kelley Drye & Warren LLP New York
    Foreign languages:
    English, French and Russian


    Office manager: Iolanda Adami
    Phone +49 (0) 7141 6487-151
    Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-159
    E-mail lfrank@schickhardt-law.com

Dr. Thomas Himmer

Specialized Attorney for sports law
Thomas Himmer is specialized in the fields of professional sports and entertainment law. Due to the exemplary combination of these areas he is not only a reliable partner in these specific legal matters, but he also supports our clients as a consultant in strategic and conceptual questions.
  • Publications
    Dr. Thomas Himmer
    With great commitment and legal understanding of the peculiarities of the industry, he advises the leading players and advocates for their individual concerns and needs. His high level of expertise in the field of German, European and international corporate law is the result of many years of academic activity, additional training in economics and in-depth experience in one of Germany’s leading law firms. Thomas Himmer acts as a reliable and holistic advisor for nationally and globally operating companies. Thomas Himmer gained international experience by working at the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations in New York, at the University of Dar-es-Salaam/Tanzania and during a one-year stay in Uganda as part of his community service. As a result, he is particularly committed to intercultural understanding.
    Birth year:
    Legal specialization:
    Professional sports law, entertainment law, corporate law
    University of Bayreuth and Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations New York
    Foreign languages:
    English and French


    Stichwortkommentar eSport-Recht, Nomos Verlag, Stichwörter: Multiple Ownership; Förderung (Angekündigt für 2021)

    Multiple Club Ownership im Sport und eSport – Rechtswirklichkeit und Regulierungspraxis, SpoPrax, Ausgabe 07/21, Seite 158–163

    Das europäische Konzerninsolvenzrecht nach der reformierten EuInsVO, Mohr Siebeck




    Office manager: Melanie Stoll
    Phone +49 (0) 7141 6487-171
    Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-199
    E-mail himmer@schickhardt-law.com

Ana Stiegler-Häfner

Ana Stiegler-Häfner is distinguished not only by her profound legal expertise but also by her strategic thinking, her high reliability, and her remarkable sense for the individual needs of her clients. Her ability to analyze complex legal issues and develop tailor-made solutions has made her a valued advisor to key players in business, sports, entertainment, and private individuals.
  • Publications
    Ana Stiegler-Häfner
    As part of a special training program in the field of Business and Finance, she has intensively dealt with specific issues related to corporate and partnership law that are of utmost relevance in the context of entrepreneurial activities. Through her dedicated work in our law boutique, Ana Stiegler-Häfner has gained a wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge in the field of professional sports law and entertainment law. She has made it her mission to sustainably improve the economic and social conditions for women in sports and actively contribute to the promotion of gender equality in sports. Ana Stiegler-Häfner finally ensures fair and just wages for women in many areas of professional sports. With her professional competence, passionate dedication, and extraordinary commitment, Ana Stiegler is a reliable advisor who tirelessly advocates for her clients.
    Birth year:
    Legal specialization:
    Professional sports law with corporate and association law references, ownership interests in professional clubs, and economic criminal law
    Licensed to practice since:
    University of Konstanz
    Foreign languages:
    Spanish and English


    Office manager: Melanie Stoll
    Phone +49 (0) 7141 6487-171
    Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-199
    E-mail stiegler-haefner@schickhardt-law.com

Dr. Wolfgang Frank †

Attorney and Notary Public, retired
Dr. Wolfgang Frank was a lawyer and freelancer out of passion. With the highest competence, utmost dedication, and with heart and mind, he fought tirelessly for the rights of his clients for over 50 years of legal practice. Far beyond the borders of Ludwigsburg, he enjoyed an excellent reputation due to his many years of experience, outstanding qualifications, and commitment. Until the very end, he personally and successfully took care of the concerns and interests of his clients, some of whom had relied on his advice and recommendations for decades.
  • Publications
    Dr. Wolfgang Frank †
    We bow in gratitude and with the utmost respect to our friend Dr. Wolfgang Frank. He will always remain a role model for us with his passion for the legal profession, dedication to his clients, and friendship with everyone in our firm. His distinctive personality and deep humanity have profoundly shaped us both professionally and personally. As a team, we will do everything in our power to continue his professional legacy in his spirit. We will never forget Dr. Wolfgang Frank as a partner, colleague, and boss.
    Birth year:
    Legal specialization:
    Company law, inheritance law, property law, property development law, commercial law
    Licensed to practice since:
    Augustana College, Rock Island (Illinois), Tübingen University, and Munich University
    Foreign languages:
    English, French and Spanish


Der Fachblog in Sachen Sport- und Entertainmentrecht

A team is only as good ...

... as the people behind the scenes.

Iris Günther

Office Manager / Prof. Christoph Schickhardt
Fon +49 (0) 7141 6487-121
Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-129

Nadja Baumgärtner

Office Manager / Dr. Joachim Rain
Fon +49 (0) 7141 6487-131
Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-139

Melanie Stoll

Office Manager / Dr. Thomas Himmer & Ana Stiegler-Häfner
Certified Paralegal
Fon +49 (0) 7141 6487-171
Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-179

Iolanda Adami

Office Manager / Leonie Frank
Fon +49 (0) 7141 6487-151
Fax +49 (0) 7141 6487-159

Our areas of special expertise

Sports law

We support national and international soccer clubs, trainers, and professional athletes in all sport disciplines in both day-to-day legal affairs and in success-critical situations. These clients trust in our highly specialized expertise in sports law and all related areas.

Media law

We support national and international artists, musicians, music labels, and filmmakers both on stage and behind the scenes, especially in success-critical situations, such as record label contracts, or the protection of personal rights, copyright, and trademark rights. These clients trust in our highly specialized expertise in entertainment law and all related areas.


Phone + 49 (0) 7141 6487-0
Fax + 49 (0) 7141 6487-199
E-Mail mail@schickhardt-law.com

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    Copyright © 2024 - Schickhardt Rechtsanwälte
    All rights reserved.